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Ketocery由2020年創辦至今主力推廣外國進口優質芝士,無糖生酮零食, 醬料。我們精選多款優質貨品,照顧生酮及關注健康人士的需要。
Since 2020, Ketocery has focused in sourcing high quality imported cheese, keto and sugar free snacks and seasonings. We aim to provide carefully selected high quality products for our valued customers with keto or other healthy diet needs.
Our Brands
Bake Bake Babe 是由Ketocery 延伸出來的生酮烘焙品牌。由我們自家工場創作不同的生酮無糖麵包, 都是由師傅親自研發及製作。深受關注健康飲食, 生酮飲食及糖尿病患者愛戴。
Bake Bake Babe is the branch brand of Ketocery, a Keto and sugar free bakery house.
The products are developed and made by our chef at our own factory. We are happy that our products have been popular among the customers who are doing ketogenic diet or eating healthy.
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